About This Game DescriptionTales of Mystics and Madmen: Entourage or TMM: Entourage for short is a top down shooter with a couple of RTS mechanics mixed in. You pick one of three sides and fight either the other two in various competitive or just one side in cooperative game modes. Each player character is joined by three bodyguards which may be controlled by your friends at the push of a button on a gamepad. The game offers various objective-based game modes which vary in length and style, with most of them sharing the same principles. Although this game can be played by yourself, it is more fun to engage in conflict with your friends locally and with others around the globe.BackgroundThree sides fight for supremacy. They are called Primitivists, Progressionists and Royalist. The Prims are deeply connected with nature and draw influences from various African and Asian cultures. Progs have aristocratic origins and happen to be techno-lovers (literally), they tend to invent the next big thing before anyone else gains knowledge of their last big thing. The Royals foster nobility and pride and like to duel each other if not fighting off some bigger threat.Key FeaturesPvP Game Modes: King of the Hill, Escort, Team Deathmatch, Warfare and morePvE Game Modes: Stronghold, Onslaught, Tug of War and moreEach mode changes gameplay in some wayLeaderboard support for various Game Modes Campaign Mode: Play increasingly difficult matches with your friends vs bots, progress between sessions is savedHotjoin local coop: Up to 4 players can play locally, three of them can join/leave at any timeLead the charge as Commander, your bodyguards (Entourage) follow youChange the appearance and weapons of your Commander and bodyguards during the matchUnique RTS/Shooter mix: control a single unit and build turrets directly, order troop movement indirectly and their compositionInvade the enemy's base to kill their workers reducing their incomeVarious weapons with primary and secondary fire modes unique to each factionRPG mechanics to round up the gameplay: gain technology points by defeating enemies and empower your troops, use skills to buff your alliesCall and enter a gunship to turn the tide of battleProcedural map generator: each game mode requires a different map layout, the map generator creates maps according to set rulesMatch customization: there are various parameters which can be set to adjust game length, starting resources etcNew game modes and maps will be added at irregular intervals as free DLC 7aa9394dea Title: TMM: EntourageGenre: Casual, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Chocolate Ship GamesPublisher:Chocolate Ship GamesRelease Date: 31 Aug, 2017 TMM: Entourage Patch 8 Download tmm entourage. tmm entourage. tmm entourage game. tmm entourage game It's a little bit rough around the edges but this is early access so it's to be expected.. I like the idea of a steampunk moba and the play style is pretty unique.. With a bit of polish this could definitely be something to watch out for. I played the game for some hours now and as Krystal Skies stated in his review the game seems to be in really EARLY access. This means there are areas that are obviously not in the final stage yet. But I guess this will be polished with the next updates.The main feature that is missing is a step-by-step tutorial. It took me some time to understand how things work and what I have to do. However after getting used to the game dynamics it is a fun and challenging skrimish game.The AI is tough enough to keep me almost every time loosing at medium difficulty (there is also easy and hard as option).If you can accept that there is still some development progress going on (see Krystal Skies video) then you can have fun with it :). It's a little bit rough around the edges but this is early access so it's to be expected.. I like the idea of a steampunk moba and the play style is pretty unique.. With a bit of polish this could definitely be something to watch out for. I played the game for some hours now and as Krystal Skies stated in his review the game seems to be in really EARLY access. This means there are areas that are obviously not in the final stage yet. But I guess this will be polished with the next updates.The main feature that is missing is a step-by-step tutorial. It took me some time to understand how things work and what I have to do. However after getting used to the game dynamics it is a fun and challenging skrimish game.The AI is tough enough to keep me almost every time loosing at medium difficulty (there is also easy and hard as option).If you can accept that there is still some development progress going on (see Krystal Skies video) then you can have fun with it :). I played the game for some hours now and as Krystal Skies stated in his review the game seems to be in really EARLY access. This means there are areas that are obviously not in the final stage yet. But I guess this will be polished with the next updates.The main feature that is missing is a step-by-step tutorial. It took me some time to understand how things work and what I have to do. However after getting used to the game dynamics it is a fun and challenging skrimish game.The AI is tough enough to keep me almost every time loosing at medium difficulty (there is also easy and hard as option).If you can accept that there is still some development progress going on (see Krystal Skies video) then you can have fun with it :). It's a little bit rough around the edges but this is early access so it's to be expected.. I like the idea of a steampunk moba and the play style is pretty unique.. With a bit of polish this could definitely be something to watch out for Update to v.0.1.5: Change logLong Campaign-Fixed a bug which carried the save state of the current campaign over to the new campaign UI-Fixed a bug which prevented users from exiting the campaign screenVisuals-Reduced the polygon count of character models improving performance and load times. Version 0.5.0: Change logGame-Hero units now inherit stats from other unit types-Set window mode to full screen by default-Convention: Unit names are now single word only-Changed a couple of unit names to conform to this convention-Added some checks to prevent incorrect building placement-Added attack boni vs other types to all units-Now preventing key clicks from opening windows which don‘t make sense for the current game modeAnimations-Added some missing animationsUI-Fixed a couple of bugs for tooltips-Now hiding buttons which are invalid for the current game mode-Re-added selection circles for the currently selected unit-Now showing unit stats and info for the currently selected unitGraphics-Changed some materials to prevent silhouettes from showing on some units when behind the weaponKnown Issues-Sometimes units are not playing animations. Version 0.4.1: Change logGame-Fixed a bug which caused the map the be really dark at the start of the matchUI-Fixed a bug which caused some sprites to appear white-Changed positioning of morale text a bit. Update to v.0.1.2: Change logGameplay-Added diplomacy in preparation for the upcoming single player mode-Added personality traits to NPCs, which are used for diplomatic decisionmaking-Added skeleton single player campaign mode; it is still in alpha, so you might not see it in your version-Improved projectile collision detection on clumped up units which was introduced by disabling local avoidance-Fixed a bug which prevented new matches from starting correctly-Fixed a bug which gave players a head start on consecutive matches-Removed cost of soldiers-Reduced rate of income-Removed wave movement from arrows-Increased arc and velocity of arrows to make them more distinguishable from regular bulletsVisuals-Changed the look of various arrowsAudio-Muted death sounds on game overPathfinding-Disabled local avoidance, it caused desyncs in multiplayerPerformance-Reduced memory allocation during gameplay a little, hiccups are still there, thoUI-Added dropdown menus which enable the player to change the look and weapon of bodyguards and their player character-Added icons for primary and secondary fire modes and their standard key binding; Those will change according to selected weapon in a future update-Cleaned up the ui and added buttons to show or hide panels which are currently irrelevant to the user-Removed buttons from the technology panel which are currently not in use-Added support for diplomacy overview, diplomatic events and diplomatic actions-Fixed a bug which made certain ui components unresponsive on consecutive matchesCapture The Flag-Fixed a bug which moved the flag outside the map-Fixed a bug which made it impossible to return your own flag-Changed AI of the flag carrier: They now also try to return their team's flag to avoid stalematesEscort-Added decorations to each destination-Fixed a bug which prevented scoringInput-Replaced the input interface with a more robust system supporting a variety of game controllers and buttons; needs more testing, but we feel more comfortable with this system in place.. Version 0.4.2: Change logOpen Battle-Added ~20 mapsUI-Changed appearance of minimap to only show walkable areas-Aligned minimap to camera rotation-Fixed some tooltips (i.e. skills)-Added colors for hero units on minimap-Changed local hero color to white-Reduzed size of minimap icons and made them less intrusiveGame-Minor bugfixes-Minor code cleanup-Reduced the number of props visibile at all times-Performance improved. Version 1.0.0: Change logGame-Free building placement system has been replaced with foundation system which offers building options to the player on click-Taking objectives provide foundations to the controlling team on the spot-Buildings can be upgraded several times-Produced units inherit the unit level of their producer-Higher unit levels improve hit points, armor and damage output-Players now can construct main tents which act as a drop-off point for resources and produce workers-Troops now require at least one worker unit to be traded in for the recruitment process-Player units spawn in the team’s base-Each base provides numerous foundations to each player in the team-Added another power fantasy: Titan (become a sword wielding giant for a short time)-Troops follow the player unit when they have reached a minimum head count to prevent trickling (and dying)-Polish across the boardUI-Adjusted UI to the new gameplay-Added more hints to the player. Update to v1.30: Game-Added three mounted units for each faction-Added a building to produce mounted units for each faction-Added base expansions to bases. Now every team’s base starts at level 1, after a while they level up and add more foundations and palisades to enhance gameplay. Each base levels up two times per match-General polish and updated game engine to latest versionAesthetics-Moved further into cartoon lookAnimations-Added missing animationsPerformance-Improved performance and reduced memory load a bitBugfixes-Fixed a nasty bug which prevented the game from properly loading at startup-Minor fixes. Version 0.4.0: Change logCampaigns-Added campaigns to all game modes which use named maps (all competitive modes and new Stronghold)Stronghold-Players now start in a corner of the map-Objectives are created closeby which need to be captured and held for some time-After that time, your team scores-New objectives are created further away-Score until no more objectives are created-Added 140 new maps to support the new releaseMorale-Added a morale system-A player kill increases your morale by a small amount -Death decreases your morale by a big amount-Gain kill participation by staying in the general vicinity of the victimTerrain-Increased heightmap resolution to support the new maps-Fixed a bug when generating terrainsGunship-Added 4 autonomous weapons to the gunship-Players may change the loadout of the gunship at anytimeUI-Added kill messages-Made improvements to readability of texts-Improved tooltips for some elements (mainly appearance and weapon dropdown menus)-Restructured main menu navigation to improve flow-Restructured match lobby to show match, campaign and other settings in different windows-Players need to be ready before starting a new match-Added a chatbox to the match lobby-Changed the appearance of loading and game over screens-Capture bar screen position now adjusts to the objective’s position in the world-Connected some loose ends Multiplayer-Implemented various smaller fixes to improve integrity and stability, enforcing synchronicity between playersGame-Improved general stability of the game and error handling-Changed perspective to ortographic/isometric-Fixed a rare bug which prevented players from shootingKnown Issues-In rare cases some sprites are not rendered correctly-In some cases the terrain appears too dark after map load, moving into differen areas solves this issue. Update to v.0.1.9: Change logMisc-Fixed a bug which assigned players to the wrong team in rare cases-Fixed a bug which prevented the sword which is shown during a skill animation to disappear afterwards, also hiding the original weapon-Fixed a bug which prevented the campaign screen from showing up
TMM: Entourage Patch 8 Download